One night last week I was trying to see how I could light a subject or subjects sitting at a table during a wedding or other, these images are not tech perfect and I think the idea needs to be thought out a little more.
To improve the hard light from the speed light ( Nikon SB900} set to 1/4 power and covered it with a white cotten table napkin, the ones you find in a restaurant, this diffused the light and made for a better more softer light. The exposure was for the ambient light which was predominately Tungsten, camera on AWB shutter set at 10th sec ( Flash Rear shutter mode) this enabled to ambient light a chance to get in the frame To keep the speedlight power in check I used a small aperture F10, perfect.
The shot was hand held so a little softness focus was experienced, however if I was shooting for real I would consider the use of a mono, or tripod, The images where processed via photo mechanic, and post produced in LR3. Camera, Nikon D3s, 10th sec f10 at 400 iso. Will try to use the technique on my next wedding, if the opportunity arrises of course. Any comments greatly appreciated.
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